Elderly and Aging Issues

Elderly and Aging Issues

It’s been said that growing old is not for the faint of heart, and there is some truth to that statement.  Although we all hope to live a long life there can be specific stressors that arise with growing older. 

One of the most common things I see with my elderly clients is health and chronic pain issues.  Our physical bodies can start to break down when we age and this can cause individuals to become depressed.  They can no longer do some of the things that they used to do and can feel a great sense of loss which may also lead to frustration.  They may have to alter their lifestyles in ways that they never had to do before.  There can also be a loss of independence which can be difficult to accept.

Growing older can also mean losing a lot of loved ones, whether they be family members or close friends.   Sometimes those that outlive their loved ones can feel a sense of guilt and they may ask themselves  “why do I get to live and they don’t?”   This can bring up some intense emotions that can be very difficult to deal with.

I have much experience in working with the elderly throughout my career. Together we can help you process life’s changes and help you come to a place of acceptance.

If you would like help in dealing with aging issues please contact me to schedule an appointment:

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